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U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations

By 07/05/2019April 29th, 2021No Comments
  1. U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations

The rapid ascent of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as a major power has made its relationship with the United States as a central issue in contemporary international politics.?Despite the fact that U.S.-China cooperation could play a positive role in global challenges such as nuclear proliferation, sustainable development, and international development, the U.S.-China relation is at times turbulent, and its future remains critical. Given this, this course aims to examine the diplomatic, military, and economic relations between China and the United States via historical facts, theories and current debates. This class would also investigate the cultural, social, academic, and psychological interactions between Americans and the Chinese.

Main outlines:

  1. US-China relation: historical perspectives
  2. Rivalry or cooperation? Differences of national interest
  3. The era of Trump and Xi’s competition: global leadership
  4. The Indo-Pacific vs. Belt and Road Initiative: Taiwan’s role?
  5. The rein of Xi Jinping and the “one China principle”: Way out or Way forward?