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OSUxICI International Symposium on COVID-19 Pandemic Towards the Post-Pandemic Era

By 06/15/2021No Comments

Big news!!

The International College of Innovation, NCCU  joins Oregon State University to host an international online symposium, addressing the challenges and opportunities in the post-pandemic era.

ICI’s associate dean Dr. Hsien-Ming Lien, also a renowned scholar of Medical Economics, is invited to talk about Taiwan’s economy in the post-pandemic era.

Besides Dr. Lien, OSU also invited Dr. Chien-jen Chen, the former vice president of Taiwan, to be the keynote speaker, sharing Taiwan’s experiences combatting the virus. Not only is Dr. Chien-Jen Chen one of the top scholars in the field of Epidemiology, but he also led Taiwan through the darkness of SARS outbreak during his tenure as Ministry of Health in 2003.

With their extensive knowledge and first-hand experiences in fighting virus, the speakers will portray the most in-depth and complete picture of the world in the post-pandemic era, through which the participants can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel after years of depletion.


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More Info:

Session 1: Regional Focus-Asia and Australia-New Zealand
6/19 (SAT.), 9:00AM – 12:00PM GMT+8
Session 2: Regional Focus-The Americas and Europe
6/20 (SUN.), 12:00AM – 2:30AM GMT+8
Session 3: Regional Focus- The Americas, Africa and Middle-East
6/26 (SAT.), 12:00AM – 2:30AM GMT+8
Session 4: Regional Focus- The World
6/26 (SAT.), 9:00AM – 11:30PM GMT+8



奧勒岡州立大學公衛學院全球衛生中心Center for Global Health, College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State



奧勒岡州立大學人文學院台灣研究計畫Chiu Program for Taiwan Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Oregon State University



國立中山大學氣膠科學研究中心Aerosol Science Research Center, National Sun Yat-Sen University

國立政治大學創新國際學院International College of Innovation, National Chengchi University

國立陽明交通大學醫學院College of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

台北醫學大學全球衛生與發展學程Global Health and Development Program, Taipei Medical University

智利大學商學院Faculty of Economic and Business, FEN Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile